Monday, August 1, 2011

Arizona Afterwards

So Christopher Green and I have come back together to work on another book called Arizona Afterwards. This time around Chris wanted a destroyed pretty place, shown featuring a billboard. And yes, I did try some other ideas but I am glad with the one that we ended up with.

Here was the initial round of sketches.

These are two at the next level. But only one must be chosen.

And finally here is the final piece. I think this one was worth every minute I spent on it.

Love and Other Losses

So I have finished working on a couple of book covers for an very nice author named Christopher Green. The two covers are meant to be in a series of darker modern books. The first one is now available on Amazon, look for Love and Other Losses on a Wish List for you.

Here are the initial thumbnails I put together for Chris to choose two from for me to take to the next level.

After that, I took two to a more finished level, these were the two that did not make it to the last round.

And finally, these were the two pieces that were chosen. I think they came out looking very moody and sad.